Monday, June 4, 2012

Agenda June 4

Things to Work on:
  1. 15 minutes per day on the MathFocus 7 website (Chap 9 Linear Equations) - Google "variable games"
  2. 30 minutes of reading   
  3. May Monthly Speech - Current Event (Thurs - only for those who missed) 
  4. Exactement Comme Moi project  (June 12)
  5. Everlasting Poster project

  1. 1 hour of PAL  
  2. Sunnybrae Packing and Cabin information package (sent home last Monday)
  3. We leave for Sunnybrae at 9:00 am Tuesday and return at 2:15 Wednesday
  4. Grade 7 Grad BBQ and Dance form (Fri)
  5. Email Korean Cultural Afternoon pictures to Mr. Conroy (ASAP)
Marks Handed out Today:
  1. Glocal Action Plan Presentation    /28
  2. Glocal Action Plan Self-Evaluation     /32
  3. Science Chap 6 Quiz   /19

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank you for taking the kids to Sunnybrae, Dave. I am sure that you have received some flack for putting in extra effort during this time, and I want to let you know that your dedication is appreciated by Carter and myself!
